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  • I write and draw to empty my mind and to fill my heart ..
Joyce Cho 그림 모음

Joyce Cho 근작 모음 ( XIII )

by ts_cho 2022. 5. 21.

불현듯 잘 다니면서 승승장구하던 직장을  집어치우고 그림을 하겠다고 나서서 걱정을 많이 했었는데 새로운 분야에서

성공여부를 떠나 본인이 만족해하는 삶을 살 수 있다면 그것으로 족하다고 생각해 굳이 반대하지도 않았다.

이번에 CA 잡지에서 수상도 하면서 행복해하는 모습을 보니 참 다행이라는 생각을 한다.

깜빡했는데 CA 잡지 5,6월호에 기사가 나온다니 찾아보고 한권 사야겠다.


My shop is being featured in celebration of the AAPI Heritage month. Until I set up shop of my own, this is all I've got. Link on bio :-)
I was buying a birthday card the other day and realized it's really hard to find a card that fits my taste. So I tried making one myself.
t's the season of the cherry blossom flowers! The tree in my front yard has bloomed so beautifully I wanted to draw it
Navigating long distance relationships.
It's 91 degrees outside in the SF Bay Area today. Stay indoors if you can! .
How to explain death to children .
Happy Friday!
Stepping into summer. .
Arrival of Spring
'The Princess and the pea.' second half of the page.
My take on a children's book illustration for a Hans Christian Andersen classic fairy tale, 'The Princess and the pea.' .
Preview of a tiny corner from a large piece I'm currently working on. I didn't know drawing pumpkins would be so fun!
Blue pen.
Doodling cute stuff today while sick in bed. Fortunately not covid. :-)
Many thoughts.
Quick preview of what I'm working on these days.. Editorial illo about how our childhood memories disappear, esp the ones that took place until we are 7. This is definitely one of the tougher pieces to pull off, but excited to see how it turns out!
Another piece I'm working on. Editorial illustration about anxiety kids experience when moving to a new school. It's both fun and stressful drawing an entire classroom full of kids and objects!
Saturday evening doodling. I've been feeling too tired to sit in front of my tablet today but I have to start working again, so I ended up doodling something random to get back into the mood. Time to make more art!
Christmas is still far away but it's never too early to share with those around you - whether it be gifts or your valuable time. The lonely bird who lives alone in the forest is visited by many of its friends who want to share.
Positive thoughts. Sunday morning doodles.


'The Princess and the Pea'
And..they lived happily ever after! Second half of my page from 'The Princess and the Pea' children's book illustration.



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