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( 그림공부 ) 천연모와 인조모 붓의 비교

by ts_cho 2024. 6. 19.

Scott Maier 란  Artist 가 천연모와 인조모 붓에 대해서 쓴 글이 있어 옮긴다.

이미 알고 있는 이야기이지만 혹시 붓에 대해서 모르시는 분을 위해.

( 번역은 구글 번역, 원문은 맨 뒤에 )


천연모 브러시와 합성모 브러시 중에서 선택하는 것은 모든 화가가 작업을 

시작할 때 직면하는 딜레마 중 하나입니다. 

각각의 고유한 특징, 장점, 단점을 살펴보고 자신에게 가장 적합한 것을 

선택할 수 있도록 하세요.

천연모 브러쉬
일반적으로 돼지털, 흑담비털, 다람쥐털, 몽구스 털과 같은 동물 털로 만들어지며 

각 유형은 질감, 강성 및 페인트를 효과적으로 유지하는 능력을 가지고 있습니다.
천연모 브러시는 일반적으로 더 뻣뻣한 털과 강모를 가지고 있습니다.

두껍고 질감이 있는 스트로크와 빠른 커버리지를 위해서는 이것이 장점이 될 수 있습니다.

두꺼운 페인트를 많이 담을 수 있어 임파스토, 표현력이 풍부한 붓놀림, 습식 기법 등

무거운 페인트를 적용해야 하는 기술에 유용합니다.

손이 무겁고, 뒤죽박죽이고, 빠르고 공격적으로 작업하는 것을 선호한다면,

이 브러시의 강도가 훌륭한 선택이 될 수 있습니다.

Natural-Hair Brushes
Natural-hair brushes often have a stiffer spring and retain their shapes


일반적으로 천연 모발의 강모는 유화에 사용되는 가혹한 용제에도 형태를 잃지 않고 

견딜 수 있으며 적절하게 관리하면 시간이 지나도 꽤 내구성이 있습니다. 

동물 털을 조달하고 처리하는 데 드는 비용으로 인해 합성 머리 브러시보다 

더 많은 비용을 지출하게 될 것입니다. 또한 청소와 보관에 더욱 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 

건조해지거나 부서지는 것을 방지하기 위해 브러시 컨디셔너나 오일을 사용하는 것을 

고려해보세요. 그러나 깨끗하게 유지하고 잘 보관하면 수년 동안 잘 유지될 것입니다.

Brushes made of natural-hair bristles are great for bold, textured marks, scumbling, and drybrush.
These natural-hair bristles are worn from heavy scrubbing and scumbling.


합성모 브러쉬
이 브러시의 강모는 천연 모발의 특성을 모방하도록 설계된 나일론, 폴리에스테르 

또는 타클론 섬유와 같은 인공 소재로 만들어집니다. 

이 브러시는 천연모 브러시보다 예산 친화적인 경우가 많으므로 유화를 처음 탐색하는 

초보자에게 매력적인 선택이 됩니다.

Synthetic-Hair Brushes
The synthetic bristles often have a softer spring.


합성모 브러시의 부드러움으로 인해 얇은 페인트와 유약을 유지하는 데 

효과적이지만 두껍고 무거운 오일에는 효과가 떨어집니다. 

페인팅에 대해 통제되고 이방적인 접근 방식을 선호한다면 합성물이 좋은 선택일 수 있습니다. 

선명한 가장자리, 디테일 및 섬세한 획을 만드는 데 좋은 옵션입니다. 

워싱, 글레이징 및 미묘한 색상 전환을 위해 스튜디오에 다양한 합성 물질을 준비하십시오.

합성 강모는 마모됨에 따라 끝 부분이 말리거나 갈라질 때 뒤틀림이 발생하기 쉽습니다. 

브러쉬를 관리하는 것이 중요합니다. 각 페인팅 세션 후에 브러시 비누로 청소하십시오. 

강모와 머리카락은 접착제로 페룰에 고정되어 있으므로 접착제를 보호하기 위해 강모가 

아래를 향하도록 브러시를 건조시키는 것이 중요합니다. 

세안 후 브러쉬 끝 부분의 모양을 잡아주고 모양이 유지될 수 있도록 조심스럽게 말려주세요.

Synthetic-hair brushes are great for washes, blending, details and delicate marks.
Synthetic bristles will get worn from heavy scrubbing and scumbling.

 두가지의 사용법

한 가지 좋은 방법은 천연모 브러시와 합성모 브러시를 혼합하여 사용하는 것입니다. 

블록인, 스크러빙 및 습식 기술을 위한 더 큰 천연 브러시를 여러 개 준비하십시오. 

작업의 후반 단계에서 다양한 합성 브러시를 사용하여 가장자리를 부드럽게 하고, 

블렌드를 매끄럽게 하고, 가장자리를 선명하게 하고, 세부 사항을 다듬습니다.


Here’s what an initial set might look like.


Large Filbert Natural — 대형 블록인용
½인치 Filbert Natural — 표현력 있는 표시 및 Wet-to-Wet 기술용
½인치 Bright Natural — 제어된 모양, 블록인, Wet-to-Wet 기술용
1인치 평면 합성 소재 - 대형 워싱, 글레이즈 및 선명한 가장자리
½인치 합성 평면 - 더 작은 모양, 질감 및 세부 묘사용
소형 원형 합성 — 세부 묘사, 라인워크 및 미세한 표시용

다양한 브러시 유형을 시험해 보고 그 특성을 더 잘 이해하여 페인팅에 대한

 접근 방식에 가장 잘 맞는 브러시 세트를 선별하는 데 도움을 받으세요.




Choosing between natural- or synthetic-hair brushes is one of those dilemmas all painters confront when they’re starting out. Let’s take a look at the unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of each, so you can choose what works best for you.

Natural-Hair Brushes

Typically made from animal hair—such as hog, sable, squirrel or mongoose hair—each type has a texture, stiffness, and ability to hold paint effectively.

Natural-hair brushes generally have stiffer hairs and bristles. For thick, textured strokes and quick coverage, this can be an advantage. They can hold large amounts of thick paint, making them useful for techniques that require heavy paint application—impasto, expressive brushwork and wet-in-wet techniques. If you’re heavy-handed, scumble and scrub, and prefer to work quickly and aggressively, the strength of these brushes could be a great option.

In general, natural-hair bristles can withstand the harsh solvents used in oil painting without losing their shape and, if they are cared for properly, can be quite durable over time. You’ll probably spend more on them than synthetic-hair brushes due to the cost of sourcing and processing animal hairs. You’ll also need to take greater care cleaning and storing them. Consider using a brush conditioner or oil to prevent them from drying out or becoming brittle. If you keep them clean and store them well, however, they should hold up well for years.


Synthetic-Hair Brushes

The bristles of these brushes are made from artificial materials such as nylon, polyester or Taklon fibers, materials designed to mimic the characteristics of natural hairs. These brushes are often more budget-friendly than natural-hair brushes, making them an attractive choice for beginners exploring oil painting for the first time.


The softness of synthetic-hair brushes makes them effective at holding thin paint and glazes, but less effective with thick, heavy-bodied oils. If you prefer a controlled, gentile approach to painting, synthetics might be a good choice. They’re good options for creating crisp edges, details, and delicate strokes. For washes, glazing and creating subtle transitions of color, be sure to have a range of synthetics ready in your studio.

As synthetic bristles wear down, they’re more prone to distortion as the ends curl or split. It’s important to take care of your brushes. Clean them with brush soap after each painting session. Bristles and hair are held in the ferrule with glue, so it’s important to dry your brushes with bristles pointed downward to protect the glue. After washing, shape the brush tips and dry them carefully to retain their shapes. 


The Best of Both Worlds

One good option is to use a blend of both natural- and synthetic-hair brushes. Have several larger natural brushes for block-ins, scrubbing and wet-in-wet techniques. Use a selection of synthetic brushes in later stages of your work to soften edges, smooth blends, sharpen edges, and refine details.


Large Filbert Natural — for large block-ins

½-inch Filbert Natural — for expressive marks and wet-into-wet techniques

½-inch Bright Natural — for controlled shapes, block-ins, wet-into-wet techniques

1-inch Flat Synthetic — large washes, glazes, and crisp edges

½-inch Flat Synthetic — for smaller shapes, textures, and details

Small Round Synthetic — for details, linework, and fine marks

Experiment with different brush types to better understand their characteristics to help you curate a set of brushes that best aligns with your approach to painting.