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  • I write and draw to empty my mind and to fill my heart ..
Joyce Cho 그림 모음

Joyce Cho 최근 작품들( XVII )

by ts_cho 2022. 10. 23.

A personal commission did a while back for my client's birthday present. Hope the girl liked the present.

최근에는 친구들과 자기 그림을 사용해서 무슨 비지니스를 추진하는 것 같더니 어디서 동화책 표지 작업 의뢰가 와서

기뻐한다, 이제 한 학기 남은 대학원 과정 잘 마치고 본격적으로 본인이 꿈꾸는 분야에서 활짝 꽃 피길 기원하면서..

"How we communicate our thoughts and feelings that are oftentimes abstract or vague."


Vitamin pills or tablets that I have to wash down with liquid have recently begun to cause stomach trouble for me, so I've switched over to the chewable options.
‘Morning routine.’
Still life. Flower vase and jewels.
"The morning routines of highly successful women"
Analogue life.
Contemplating another year gone by during the season of harvest.
What does it mean to dream about childhood home?
Chasing dreams. Redraw of a piece I did earlier.
Alzheimer's: Dealing with family conflict.
Another  @makeartthatsells  editorial assignment on drawing icons. It's always fun drawing a bunch of small stuff
Another reworked editorial illustration I created a while back - and one that got published in the CA magazine.
Editorial illustration on the topic of "9 Drinks to Help You Sleep at Night." .
The psychology of collecting.
Cowboy for #peachtober22.
BOW for  #peachtober22 .
POTION for  #peachtober22
TREES for #peachtober22 ..
Sunday doodling people.
MASK for  #peachtober22
LANTERN for  #peachtober22
Why self-love is important and how to cultivate it. Editorial illustration.
Getting ready for Trick-or-Treating?
A personal commission did a while back for my client's birthday present. Hope the girl liked the present.
A bit of a heavy topic on a Friday afternoon, but definitely something many of us parents have to go through at some point.