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( 기타 ) 유명한 야경 그림들 (Famous Nocturne Paintings)

by ts_cho 2025. 1. 28.


Carl Brettzke, Monterey Harbor Nocturne, oil, 18x24 in. Carl Bretzke is a master of the genre. He teaches his method step by step in his video,  “Nocturnes – Painting the Night,


Insideart 메일에  야경 그림에 대한 흥미있는 그림 이야기가 있어 옮긴다.

나도 예전에 야경 그림에 흥미를 느껴 몇 점 그려본 적이 있었는데 야외 사생을

시작하면서 사진 보고 그리는 것에  관심이 없어 그 이후 야경 그림을 그리지 

않았다. 아무래도 야경은  사진을 보고 그려야 하니 현장에서 눈으로 보는 분위기를

제대로 살리기가 쉽지도 않고.

그러나 이 기사를 보니 문득 다시 시도해 보고 싶은 욕심이 생긴다.

( 번역은 구글 번역, 영어 원문은 맨 뒤에 )



“밤은 모든 것이 가능한 시간이며, 세상이 광활하고 어두운 캔버스인 시간입니다. 

작가 실뱅 레이너드는 “우리의 꿈의 색으로 칠해지기를 기다립니다.”라고 말했습니다.
피타고라스가 옳았다면, “밤은 생각의 어머니”라고 예술가들에게 어두운 시간은

종종 순수한 감정과 신비롭게 매력적이고 감동적인 모티브에 관한 것이었습니다.

위대한 야상곡이 너무나 많지만, 월트 휘트먼의 시적 구절로 따라갑니다

밤이 오게 하라.


James McNeill Whistler, Nocturne, Blue and Silver: Battersea Reach, 1878, Oil on canvas, 39.4 x 62.9 cm


휘슬러는 쇼팽으로 거슬러 올라가는 음악 작곡에서 용어를 빌려서 야경을 그렸습니다.

화가는 "내 계획은 단지 특정한 색의 조화를 가져오는 것뿐이었습니다."라고 말했습니다.
(아래 나머지 단어는 월트 휘트먼에서 "발췌"한 것이지만, 풀잎에서 직접 인용한 것은 아닙니다.)



하늘과 별은 아무 말도 하지 않고, 지성에게 아무것도 말하지 않는다.
하지만 고요함 속에서, 아름다운 밤, 영혼에 대한 질문은
주어질 수 있는 가장 좋은 답변.

예술, 책, 설교, 과학, 오래된 것, 새로운 것 등 그 너머에 있는 영역이 있다. 오, 무한히 그 너머에!


Edvard Munch, Kiss by the Window, ca. 1892, oil on canvas, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design. Oslo, Norway. Wikimedia Commons.



낮의 눈부심이 지나간 후,
어둡고 어두운 밤이 내 눈에 별을 보여준다—
나에게 완벽한 고요한 밤을 주고, 별을 올려다보는 나를 줘.

나는 낮이 가장 훌륭하다고 생각했지만, 낮이 아닌 것이 보여주는 것을 볼 때까지,
나는 이 지구가 충분하다고 생각했지만, 내 주변에서 다른 수많은 

지구가 소리 없이 솟아올랐다.
어떤 것은 모양이 있고, 어떤 것은 모양이 없으며, 완벽함, 기후, 속도의 정도가 다양하다.
그리고 내가 보는 모든 것은 내가 헤아릴 수 있는 한 높이까지 늘어났지만, 

더 먼 체계의 가장자리에 불과하다.


Ivan Aivazovsky, Moonlight Seascape with Shipwreck, ca. 1832, private collection. Wikimedia Commons.




보름달 아래, 반짝이고 움직이는, 투명한 녹색과 황갈색 증기의 섬세한 색상 효과, 황갈색 후광, 은색 테두리.

이보다 더 영광스러운 달은 없었다, 떠도는 물살 사이로 허우적거리며, 큰 양털, 

푸른 검은색의 깊이가 여기저기에 흩어져 있었고, 가끔은 길고 낮은 막대가 

잠시 조용히 매달려 있었고, 그다음에는 회색으로 튀어나온 덩어리가 위엄 있게 

굴러가며, 때로는 긴 행렬을 이루며 굴러갔다.

푸른빛이 살짝 도는 보름달의 유리 같은 쏟아짐,
물 위로 고속도로의 넓은 눈부심을 던지며,—끔찍하고 유령 같은 달이여!


J. M. W. Turner, Fishermen at Sea, exhibited 1796, Tate, London, UK. One of the first he exhibited, this rocketed Turner to the upper echelons of the Royal Academy,
Winslow Homer, Summer Night, ca. 1890, Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France. Wikimedia Commons.


희귀한 야간 풍경, 얼마나 빨리 나를 달래고 진정시켰는가,
내가 시원하고 투명한 밤바람에 솟아오른 땅에 서 있을 때.

공기, 별, 달—그것들은 얼마나 충만한 영감을 주었는가! 얼마나 큰 기쁨인가!


Vincent Van Gogh, Starry Night Over the Rhone, 1888, Musée d’Orsay, Paris‎, France.
Adam Elsheimer, The Flight into Egypt, 1609, Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany



그것은 위대하고, 소중하고, 기억에 남는 경험이었습니다.
행성, 온화한 서풍, 탄력 있는 온도, 그 위대한 별의 기적, 그리고 서쪽에서 수영하는 

달이 영혼을 가득 채웠습니다.

모든 것이 찬란함의 기적, 달의 찬란함과 별의 찬란함

그리고 조용히 내 곁에 있는 나의 사랑하는 친구;
영혼을 걸러낼 무언가,
그리고 오랜 시간 후에 기억을 키우고, 먹이고, 달래줄 무언가.


Gavin Glakas teaches a method for painting spectacular night paintings


다작하는 예술가이자 야심찬 세계 여행가인 폴 잭슨은 눈길을 끄는 빛 효과, 흥미로운 구성, 

그리고 무엇보다도 도시적인 야행성으로 유명한 다재다능한 현대 수채화가입니다. 


Paul Jackson, “Street Sushi,” watercolor



맹렬한 구름은 오래 승리하지 못할 것이다.
그들은 환상으로만 별을 삼킨다.
인내심을 갖고, 또 다른 밤을 지켜봐라.
목성이 나타날 것이다. 플레이아데스가 나타날 것이다. 금성이 나타날 것이다.

그들은 불멸이다.
거대한 불멸의 태양이 다시 빛날 것이다.


Gavin Glakas, 7th and F Streets, oil on linen, about 20×20 in.


내가 한참 전에 그렸던 야경 그림들..




“The night is the time when all things are possible, when the world is a vast, dark canvas, ways writer Sylvain Reynard, “waiting to be painted with the colors of our dreams.” 


If Pythagoras was right, and “night is the mother of thoughts,” for artists the darker hours have often been about pure feeling and a mysteriously attractive and moving motif. There are so many great nocturnes, we can only offer a scattering. Catching up with our previous post “narrated” by poetic passages from Walt Whitman, we arrive with the great American poet under the cover of darkness.


Let night come.


Whistler invented the nocturne as such, borrowing a term from musical composition that went back to Chopin. “My whole scheme was only to bring about a certain harmony of color,” the painter said. 


(The rest of the words below are “from” Walt Whitman, but they are not direct quotes from Leaves of Grass. They’re quasi-stanzas, excerpts and snippets stitched together and rearranged thematically over at www.thewordsofwaltwhitman.com)




The sky and stars speak no word, nothing to the intellect,
Yet in silence, of a fine night, questions are answer’d to the soul,
The best answers that can be given.


There is a region beyond—O, so infinitely beyond!—anything from art, books, sermons, or from science, old or new.


After the dazzle of day is gone,
The dark, dark night shows to my eyes the stars—
Give me nights perfectly quiet, and I looking up at the stars.


I was thinking the day most splendid, till I saw what the not-day exhibited,
I was thinking this globe enough, till there sprang out so noiseless around me myriads of other globes,
Some shaped, others unshaped, with their varied degrees of perfection, climate, swiftness,
And all I see, multiplied as high as I can cipher, edge but the rim of the farther systems.


Under the full of the moon, shimmering and shifting, delicate color-effects of pellucid green and tawny vapor, with tawny halos, silver edgings. 


Never a more glorious moon, floundering through the drifts, great fleeces, depths of blue-black in patches, and occasionally long, low bars hanging silently a while, and then gray bulging masses rolling along stately, sometimes in long procession.


The vitreous pour of the full moon just tinged with blue,
Throwing down a broad dazzle of highway on the waters,—ghastly, phantom moon!


The rare nocturnal scene, how soon it sooth’d and pacified me, 
As I stood on the rising ground in the breeze in the cool transparent night.


The air, the stars, the moon—what a fullness of inspiration they imparted! what exhilaration!


It was a great, a precious, a memorable, experience.
The planets, the moderate west wind, the elastic temperature, the miracle of that great star, and the moon swimming in the west, suffused the soul—


Everything a miracle of splendor, moon splendor and star splendor—
And silently by my side my dear friend;
Something altogether to filter through one’s soul,
And nourish and feed and soothe the memory long afterwards.


A prolific artist and ambitious world traveler, Paul Jackson is a versatile contemporary watercolorist known for striking light effects, interesting compositions, and not least of all nocturnes, especially urban ones. Learn how he does it in his video, Watercolor Workshop – Nighttime in the City.


Note: The texts in this post, as applies to the web page on which they originate, should NOT be cited as direct quotations from Whitman. If you want to quote from this site for something you are writing or posting, please read this first (click here).


The ravening clouds shall not long be victorious,
They devour the stars only in apparition,
Be patient, watch again another night,
Jupiter shall emerge, the Pleiades shall emerge, Venus shall emerge—


They are immortal,
The vast immortal suns shall shine again.