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  • I write and draw to empty my mind and to fill my heart ..
Joyce Cho 그림 모음

( Joyce Cho ) Joyce Cho 최근 활동들..

by ts_cho 2023. 2. 28.

The cover of Our Tennessee magazine was one of my favorite kinds of projects - the type that requires a lot of research and learning about social issues and how they relate to our day to day lives. I also enjoy illustrating people so that was also a plus. Swipe to see the rough drafts and alternative version


커리어를 잘 쌓아가고 있던 IT 업계를 떠나 불현듯 일러스트레이션을 공부하겠다고 San Francisco Academy of

Art University 를 입학한게 그리고  멀리서 불안한 마음으로 응원을 시작한게 벌써 3년이 다 되어간다.

아직 학교를 다 마치지 않았지만 여기 저기 이제 조금씩이나마 본격적으로 활동을 하고 있는 반가운 뉴스가 있어

여기 옮겨온다. Our Tennesse 라는 잡지가 어떤 성격의 잡지인지는 모르겠지만 그 잡지사의 의뢰로 작품이

개제되었다는 반가운 소식도 있고..

( 아래는 rough draft and alternative version )

또 Hollywood Reporter 라는 잡지사에서 의뢰받아 개제된 작품도...

Editorial illustration I created for one of the articles on this week's issue of The Hollywood Reporter on the looming writers strike in Hollywood. Swipe right to see the rough thumbnail that started it all!


그리고 일러스트레이션 전문 에이전시인 Illozoo Agency와 계약을 맺었다고하니 .

앞으로 왕성한 활동을 하여 본인이 커리어를 바꾼 것을 후회하지 않고 행복한 삶을 살기를 기대하며....

Excited to announce that I'm now part of the group of illustrators represented by the Illozoo agency! It's been a wild ride since I made the leap of faith into illustration 3 years ago. Some days were tough - well, most days were tough. But then, what is life without the constant struggle to be better than who you were the day before. Hopefully I can share the outcomes of many more fun projects here in the near future.