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유화(Oil Painting)

( 유화 ) 겨울의 끝자락에서(2)- 설경

by ts_cho 2025. 2. 16.

겨울의 끝자락에서 (2), 27 X 23 cm, Oil on canvas board,2025


설경 한 점 그리고 아쉬움이 남아 한 점 더 그려본다.

이제 올해는 이 그림이 마지막 설경 그림이 될 것 같다.


시간의 세가지 걸음 - 김재진


시간은 세 가지 걸음이 있다.
미래는 주저하면서 다가오고,
현재는 화살처럼 달아나고,
과거는 영원히 정지해 있다.
승자는 패자보다 더 열심히 일하지만 시간에 여유가 있고,
패자는 승자보다 게으르지만 늘 바쁘다고 말한다.

아무리 높은 산이라도 올라가면 내려와야 하듯이
폭염이 내리쬐다가 또 비가 쏟아지고,
다시 폭염이 계속되다 보면 어느새 가을이 다가온다.
절정에 가면 모든 것은 내리막길을 가기 마련이다.
느리게, 그리고 주저하면서 다가오는 것 같지만
미래는 현재가 되는 순간 
시위를 떠난 화살처럼 날아가 버린다.

하루하루는 지루한데 일주일은 금방 흩어지고,
한 달이나 일 년은 쏜살같이 날아가고 없다.
우리 만난 지가 언제였더라 하며 악수하다 보면 못본지 10년.
강산도 변하고 사람의 마음도 변해
한때의 친구가 서먹서먹한 타인이 되어 있다.

승자는 시간을 관리하며 살고, 패자는 시간에 끌려가며 산다는데....
인생에서 패자로 남고 싶어 하는 사람이 어디 있겠는가?
그러나 인생엔 승자도 패자도 없다.
이기기 위해 이곳에 온 것이 아니라,
우린 그저 무엇을 경험하기 위해 이곳에 왔으며
그 경험이 다할 때 세상을 떠날 뿐이다.
적지 않은 경험을 했지만 아직도 다 하지 못한
어떤 경험이 내 인생에 남아 있을까?
다가오는 미래를 다 알 수야 없지만
참으로 중요한 것은, 
시간에 끌려다니며 살지 말고
시간을 부리면서 사는 삶을 살아야 한다는 것이다.

이 시를 Google AI Gemini에게 시적으로 영역을 부탁해보니 

그럴싸하게 영역을 한다. 


The Three Steps of Time - Kim Jae-jin

Time takes three steps.

The future approaches hesitantly,

The present darts away like an arrow,

The past stands eternally still.

The winner works harder than the loser, yet has time to spare,

The loser is lazier than the winner, yet always claims to be busy.


Even the highest mountain must be descended,

Scorching heat gives way to pouring rain,

And as the heat returns, autumn gradually approaches.

At its peak, everything begins its decline.

Though it seems to approach slowly and hesitantly,

The future, the moment it becomes the present,

Flies away like an arrow already loosed.


Days are tedious, but weeks scatter in an instant,

Months and years vanish like shooting stars.

"When was it we last met?" you ask, shaking hands, only to realize it's been ten years.

Even mountains and rivers change, as do people's hearts,

And a once close friend becomes a distant stranger.


The winner manages time, while the loser is dragged along by it...

Who in life would choose to remain a loser?

Yet, in life, there are neither winners nor losers.

We are not here to win, But simply to experience,

And when that experience is complete, we depart this world.

I have had my share of experiences, but what remains undone?

What experience lingers in my life?

Though the approaching future remains unknown,

What truly matters is this: Rather than being dragged along by time,

We must live a life where we command it.